Debate: Trump is very wrong about “stop and frisk”

In response to a question in Monday night’s presidential debate about how to heal America’s racial divide, Donald Trump proposed that police stop and frisk more often. Moderator Lester Holt pointed out, “Stop and frisk was ruled unconstitutional in New York largely because it singled out black and Hispanic young men.” “No, you’re wrong,” Trump

The Trump clan is very confused about sexual harassment

I had thought sexual harassment law was relatively straightforward. For decades, unwanted touching or comments in the workplace has been illegal, and companies have been required to protect victims and punish perpetrators. But just last week, three members of Donald Trump’s family, including the candidate himself, stumbled badly when asked simple questions about job harassment.

Statement From Lisa Bloom, Attorney for Jill Harth

  August 2, 2016 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Woman Who Alleges Donald Trump Sexually Harassed Her Outraged at His Statement that Sexually Harassed Women Should Just Quit Jill Harth, who has maintained since her 1997 lawsuit against Donald Trump that he sexually harassed her, including forcibly groping her in his daughter Ivanka’s bedroom, has recently broken

5 big mistakes made by sexual harassment victims

Former Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson sued her old boss, Roger Ailes this week, alleging that he had sexually harassed her and that after she consistently rebuffed his advances, her contract was not renewed. Mr. Ailes denies the charges. Ms. Carlson is obviously an intelligent, successful woman, bold enough to publicly take on probably the