Dear Justice Kennedy: Look not to the millennia

In the most important civil rights case of this Supreme Court term, the issue of whether the constitution requires every state to recognize same-sex marriages was argued this week. The four liberal justices, including all three women on the Court, appear ready to hold that the equal protection clause of the constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment bans


As the media continues to expose an appalling series of police shootings of mostly unarmed African Americans, most of us view the stories through the lens of our own experience. White Americans generally respect law enforcement, and assume that they tell the truth when they say they were threatened and had to shoot. Seventy-seven percent


Indiana recently made news for passing a religious freedom law that was a thinly disguised attempt to legalize LGBT discrimination. Now the state is in the spotlight again – this time for targeting women’s reproductive rights. An Indiana woman was just sentenced to 20 years in prison, in part for attempting to terminate her pregnancy.

Why Indiana’s homophobic religious freedom law is a disaster

In the struggle for equality for LGBT Americans, it’s two steps forward, one step back. Sometimes it comes down to pizza, and every slice matters. I’ll explain. Gay marriage is now the law in 37 states and the District of Columbia. Nearly 72 percent of the U.S. population lives in a state currently issuing marriage licenses to same sex

Six Steps for Lawyers (and Everyone Else) to Become Better Listeners

What’s the number one complaint clients have about their lawyers? Uncivil communication. Put more bluntly, we can come across as arrogant jerks. For some of us, that’s because we actually are obnoxious blowhards. But for the rest, it’s because we’re busy, we’re stressed, we’re trained to get right to the point, even to bore in

Robert Durst is right: He killed them all, of course

Almost certainly, Robert Durst is a sociopathic serial murderer. On the gasp-inducing conclusion of the HBO documentary about him, “The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst,” he mutters to himself, mic’d up in the bathroom, after being confronted with handwriting evidence so damning it made him twitch and burp: “What the hell did

5 things you need to do right now if you have been sexually harassed

Ellen Pao took the stand this week in her high profile $16 million sex discrimination case against Silicon Valley venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins. Facing a packed courtroom, she answered intimate questions about her sexual relationship with a married partner (she says she broke it off when she discovered he was still married) and her

Stunning Ferguson report revelations: Why a complete overhaul is needed, now

The Ferguson protesters were right. In fact, the corruption was worse than some of them may have realized. The police, courts and city officials systematically, frequently, blatantly violated the constitutional rights of residents, in a system infected to its core with hardcore, KKK-style racism, according to a scathing new Department of Justice report. The report